Protocol Aftertime is a platforming adventure game that combines the character development of the protagonist Jericho with varied gameplay and unique worlds. Through space and time Travel through thousands of years, reaching from Ancient Greece to the young fifth millennia. Learn about the first steps towards enlightenment, as you come face to face with the questions plaguing Socrates and his peers and come to understand the philosophy of Sun Tzu and even the realizations of Buddha. Live through the accomplishments and achievements of humanity, as they marched through the millennia and made possible what was once unimaginable. Become part of a story that will be another landmark in the journey of humanity, by embarking on your own! Learn to understand Control time and manipulate gravity to overcome even the impossible. Master immersive platforming passages, discover hidden chambers and grow in power. Internalize your essence and discover your true potential! Unleash your old mind Solve unique puzzles. Resist the pull of black holes. Overcome the rules of physics as you find the answer to what you have been seeking all this time. Accept loneliness and master the totality of existence!? Decipher Protocol Aftertime Come to understand the emotions of a voyage, carrying you further and further away from what you yearn for. All you seek is to be with your family, but there is only one purpose for you, that even your creator can’t understand. Learn more about the girl Luna and the reason why you are perhaps the most essential part of a plan that will outshine all former and future discoveries ever made! About the developers Protocol Aftertime is the debut game from independent developer Neverfly Games, located in Berlin, Germany. The team has made it their mission to combine new gameplay mechanics with stories focused on character development, wishing to make a contribution of their own to the great medium of video games.