Background In the distant future, humanity has expanded into space to secure a better future, colonizing new planets and reshaping them to their needs. During this expansion, they encounter alien life forms, resulting in significant losses. A corporation employs mercenaries to fight off the aliens, achieving victory and amassing immense wealth. With no further battles, the corporation organizes a massive show, offering great rewards and opportunities (such as acquiring or upgrading mechs) to the last standing mercenary on a ruined battlefield. This draws elite mercenaries from all over the world to join the competition. Mercenaries At the start, mercenaries secure strategic positions and begin fighting each other as well as AI bots. The battlefield takes place on the abandoned planet A-207. The planet is littered with remnants of the war, including damaged or abandoned giant mechs. Corporation The corporation is a massive entity with significant influence in the economic and political sectors of the future. It operates in diverse fields such as android manufacturing, terraforming, spaceship construction, freight transport, and defense industries. Gameplay The game starts with 18 players choosing their characters and spawning in random locations on the map. Characters have unique skills but start without any items. As they explore, players loot weapons, attachments, ammunition, and consumables to become stronger. A shrinking energy field forces players toward the center of the map, leading to player-versus-player (PvP) combat. The map also contains NPCs who behave similarly to players, looting, moving, using skills, and attacking. Players must survive threats from both other players and NPCs, with the last remaining player becoming the winner. After each match, all items are reset, and players start the next round from scratch.